Now is the time to be grateful

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.”  ~Amy Collette

By Susan Sportsman, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAAN 

The world continues to be a chaotic—and often frightening—place in 2021. The pandemic continues to affect our lives and those of us in nursing regularly see the negative consequences play out in our work.  Fear, frustration, and burnout abound. A shortage of nurses and other healthcare workers seems to be everywhere. While there is an upsurge of people who want to be nurses, there are too few faculty to accommodate them. Who could be blamed for feeling depressed and hopeless?

Yet as Thanksgiving approaches, gratitude seems to be required. The benefits to a grateful heart are many. Continue reading “Now is the time to be grateful”

Putting the “Happy” Back in Holidays

by Cathy Converse (Bailey)

I still remember the best Christmas of my life.  I was ten, just the right age to experience all the excitement, anticipation, and hope that holidays bring. This particular year I was really hoping for a bike, preferably a blue one. For months I left nothing to chance, Continue reading “Putting the “Happy” Back in Holidays”